Directed by Adrien Vel

Animation, 05'00", 2021

Ants devoured my soul is a stop-motion animated short. It was produced frame by frame in acrylic paint on a large canvas hung on the wall. The camera was mounted on a tripod, and movements were made using tracking shots. Sound editing was based on mouth sounds.

Festivals / Exhibitions

"Esto Es Parra Esto" / MX; "Chicago International Film Festival" / USA; "Diametrale" / AT; "Pinus sessions" / BR; "Animalcoi" / ES (Prix de la fondation Mutua Levante); "Cine de Terror" / CHIL; "Corrosivo Film Fest" / CR; "El Ojo Illuso" / VE, "Bruital Night"/ DE; "Runt of the litter" / London, UK; "Festival Cinema Zero" / IT; "Concorto Film Festival" / IT; "Festival de film Contis"/ FR; "34 Filmfest Dresden"/ DE; "Luksuj festival poceni filma"/ SL